Monday 24 June 2013

Convenience And Satisfaction Equal Marketing Results

The Dark Desire of Convenience

It's all about convenience and satisfaction. And no one wants to admit that these traits – Lethargy, Vanity, Frugality play a role in a buying process. But did you know they do play key roles in marketing and ad copy?

You may not realize it, but every ad for (example) a skin-tightening, wrinkle-erasing facial cream or quick-fix, low payment diet product appeals to these traits.

I’ll let you in on a little secret… I’m vain.  Yup. I colored my hair for years because I couldn't stand to see the little straggly bits of grey that marring the otherwise rich dark brown/auburn color of my straight, short mop. 
It was bigger than me. On many occasions I told myself, "I’m going to let it go this time". But I gave in to my vanity. The next thing I knew I was sitting in the chair at favourite stylist's salon.
It didn't hurt that she was close by, didn't charge an arm and a leg, and always told me I looked great afterward.  
How was any of this important?
  • It was convenient 
  •  It was a great value
  •  It satisfied my vanity 
All in all. It solved a nagging problem for me.
Now that's great marketing and she probably didn't realize it. So what can you do with your marketing to appeal to prospects' need for convenience and satisfaction?

Who Wants Convenience and Satisfaction?

The thing is, all buyers are looking for the same things. Deep down, it's all about convenience and satisfaction in the buying experience as they seek a solution to the problem at hand.

Customers don't generally admit that they're looking for a good deal. They don’t really want to have to shop ‘til they drop to find one either. And they certainly don't share that they buy stuff because they hope it will put an end to their secret angst once they take advantage of that product or service.

But rest assured, you’d be hard pressed not to find copy that appeals to these issues. Because a message that appeals on an emotional level carries great influence.

People buy for emotional reasons. And it's easy for them to justify the purchase when you let them know the benefits of your product or service satisfy those intense emotional concerns and needs.

So while you’re ramping up your copy for that one-of-a-kind, life-altering product, let prospects know -- as early as possible in your message -- what they get from it. Tell them how it will alter their lives; how easy it is to buy; how they will be sexier, or more attractive for having used your product or service. That's right... by appeal to their deepest emotions, desires and anxieties.

Build up an irresistible offer, and promise even more. Highlight features and describe their respective benefits in detail. Be sure to support your claim(s) with verified data and put the icing on the cake with great testimonials.

Convey The Benefits Through Your Message

When you craft your message, think about these elements as part of your sales copy. They can help to enhance the level of convenience and satisfaction in the overall experience: 
√  Make it super easy to make the purchase (minimal steps, clear instructions and easy payment options) 
√  Offer great value - the prospect thinks he’s running away with something very high-end, at your special low price 
√  Make your message sound like the offer is exclusive to them (the more unique or in short supply a product appears, the more people tend to desire the goods, or want to be a part of something) 
√  Make the prospect believe your product will make them a better person, or put their worries or fears to rest, and others will also ask what they did to change.

Hey, just a reminder though. Don't be cheesy or salesy in you message. Always be genuine and truthful about the information you're sharing. Refrain from forcing people to like your product or service. Let the facts (features and benefits) speak for themselves. No one likes to be sold to, but people do will buy when you solve a problem that troubles them on a deep level, and offer convenience and satisfaction.

I'd love to see your comments or questions. And let me know if this article was useful to you.

If you need more information about effective writing solutions, connect with me. I'm happy to provide basic guidance.

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