Monday 8 July 2013

Is Your Unique Selling Proposition Working?

Is your unique selling proposition working for your business?
Sure you’ve got a great product, a great website and a great sales spiel (that’s not salesy). So what!

Do you even have a unique selling proposition? What is it that sets you apart from all the other producers of widgets?  Does it have a particular characteristic, shape, color, sound, quality, or benefit? What can your widget do that no one else’s can? Oh really!? Well then, are you letting your prospects know about it?

If you really want to enhance your unique selling proposition above all the others and grab your prospects by the…throat to get their attention (ha, ha, I bet you thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you?), you stand a much better chance if you’ve got something noteworthy – more singular than John Smith’s widget.

Your fabulous product has to have that special something, something…

And employing this element of copy is an essential component of promotion. When included in, let’s say a direct-mail grouping, it can certainly improve your conversion rates.

To have your prospects rushing to buy your product, make sure your promotional copy incorporates the following as part of  its unique selling proposition:

√ A benefit to the prospect that is directly related to the use of your product. How will this product improve your prospects’ life or situation?
√ The benefit has to be significant.  You’ve got to convince your prospect that he cannot do without your product.
√ That benefit has to be one that is unique to you.  The prospect will not find this anywhere else.

Your Unique Selling Proposition Should
Have You Standing Out From The Rest of The Crowd
Another thing you should consider that contributes to people’s purchasing habits is exclusivity: when something appears to be exclusive (or in short supply), people are more apt to want to be part of it, or to own it.

Before you list your benefits, remember to back your claims with testimonials, statistics or charts or other proof.  Do all the research you can to find the appropriate data to support your copy.

In fact, the more research/facts you are able to find, the more you material you will have for your copy, making the writing process much smoother and with fewer stoppages

With your unique selling proposition now established, you’ve also got something you can possibly parley into future and ongoing marketing plans and other promotional pieces.  After all, it’s what you want to be known for and what sets you apart from your competition.

Your distinct product’s qualities or benefits should be enough to compel prospects to feel the need to buy from you.

They won’t want to go looking for a similar product anywhere else because yours is exactly what they need. And, as always, keep your copy voice and tone authentic, friendly and not salesy.  People do want to buy, but they don’t want to be sold to.

To know more about how you can enhance your sales copy or talk about how I can help you to get your prospects to take action, contact me.

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