Saturday 15 June 2013

How To Get Results From Your Copy

Ask yourself... What is one of the biggest worries you face after writing your copy for that spectacular ad or promotional piece.... The results it will get, right?

While writing you ask yourself:  What should I include to ensure responses, comments, opt-ins, subscriptions, sales conversions or other measurable results?

You go about preparing your copy, which includes (in your estimation) your fabulous Headline. Your introduction paragraph will have your prospect/audience eating out of your hand -- you've made a connection and built your trust level. You've introduced and described your product, then you laid out its benefits and proof of its effectiveness -- removing any possible objections for its purchase. The prospect's problem is now solved.  In your mind, it's a done deal.

You're finishing up your masterpiece with those last few dots on the "I"s and crosses on the "T"s, and thanking your audience for their attention.  They've stuck with you to the end of your copy.... but now what?  

There's a vital element missing: the one thing that if left out, will ensure the failure of your entire promotional piece.    

So what's missing? You've left your prospect standing alone in the middle of a field, just staring blankly to the sky -- you haven't provided clear direction on what the next step should be. They just don't know what to do.
Buddy has no idea where to go or what to do...
For the love of Pete.... Tell them What Action you want them to take.  

To make this thing work, you need them to do something. Anything -- to capture their contact information or keep them interested in returning to the client (especially for repeat business).

When you're writing copy, it's for a reason, right?  Therefore, any consultations with your client need to include determining the purpose of the promotion.  Make sure they let you know what their end-goal is.

Once you identify what it is the client wants to accomplish with this piece, you can begin to build your copy. You're now armed with the vital information. You know where your copy is taking you, and you can provide clear and easy directions to the prospect on how to get there.  No extra junk, no clutter.

Here are a few options (among others) to consider using as a call to action, depending on the established purpose:

  • Ask prospects to sign-up for your e-mail or blog (building your lead generation);
  • Ask them to click on a link to your website, for additional information about what they need to do (if it's electronic promotion or social media); 
  • Provide a form to complete, to order your fabulously wonderful product or service, or just to seek more information about your company and services. 

And remember, provide clear, concise instruction.  Make it easy for them.

Without a Call to Action, your copy goes nowhere and has no purpose, so make sure you get this part right. It's a big meat-and-potatoes part of the copy.

I look forward to your input or comments, or any other calls to action you think might be useful and wish to share.

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