How do you prevent your many product distributors from using too many messages?
Share what you know so others can grow. That's my philosophy. Take advantage of the writing marketing tips shared here, to enhance the impact of your promotions, ad or sales copy, blog articles and more. Your questions and comments are welcome. My goal for you is for the information here to propel your business growth. Happy Writing all...
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
If Apple never had leadership with style like that of Steve Jobs, do you think it would have become the behemoth success that it is today?
This topic is a departure from offering tips for better copy, but I feel that good Leadership with Style is essential to every business' success and a topic I have given a lot of thought to in my various workplaces. Because, behind every successful company is a great leader, and following that leader, a great cohesive team that buys into the organization's culture, ideologies, plans, goals and dreams.
And how do you get your team to that fabled point? By introducing a leadership with style, and having an accompanying vision that everyone can understand and see themselves being involved in.
If you, as a leader can inspire your team to see the importance of each of their positions and how they are essential to each cog of the organizational wheel, those team members will take a more vested interest in the outcome and the results of the work they do. There is more of a sense of responsibility for those outcomes.
And not only will the staff's work matter to each of them as individuals, but also as a whole unit. People will be more willing to pick up slack, contribute more to the larger goals of the team.
If you can convey the importance of their work to the big picture, you are changing a mindset. Where you might have had negative-nellies, or dissenting individuals that could prove poisonous to a work environment, instead you gain valuable allies on the way to success.
And good leadership is one that recognizes everyone's participation and celebrates those successes... together... as a team.
Now introduce the vision of how their work fits into the grand scheme of things - how things function together to result in the achievements, as set out in the organization's Big Picture. A good leader can get that picture across to a group and encourage people to be more cohesive, to work as a unit and bolster their output.
A great leadership with style allows its team members to be more involved - perhaps in planning, goal-setting, or other areas where objectives are set and subsequently keeps staff interested. For instance, if your idea or contribution, as an individual, has an impact on the big picture, you then have greater concern for the outcomes of your work and are willing to ensure that those outcomes are positive.
This then translates to motivation: i.e. Understanding how to inspire the entire team, and get them to want to work together for the common goal. And employing that great leadership with style means that you're able to tap into an emotional trigger, which convinces your team members that their actions have significance - their actions have meaning.
In the end, your team is motivated because they can see the benefit from their actions. Some leaders might offer other incentives (i.e. bonuses, special privileges, etc.) which may not always convince/motivate someone to the best job they can. But when motivation is recognized as contributing to organization's bottom line or success, well that's a tastier carrot to put in front of their nose. Not to mention a better leadership, with style.
Whatever your style, your and your team's success depends on your leadership. Getting the best out of your staff and teams is the challenge, and accomplishing great leadership - with style should be your goal.
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Sunday, 14 July 2013
Exuding a Positive Attitdude - for a Winning Business and Self
Don't you find that you're more attracted to someone who seems to be exuding a positive attitude?
Isn't it just natural that you find your own view changing as you become more acquainted with this person, their knowledge and way of expressing themselves? It brings more enlightenment to your mind, clarity and peace. The trick? Recognizing when someone is exuding a positive attitude. It makes you want to do the same.As I've been setting up and kicking things into gear for my copywriting business, I've found that I am pulled toward those individuals that exude a positive attitude and energy. You too will find that they bring much more to your outlook and thinking that those with negative energy.
Actually, being around people who have a negative outlook on their life and their accomplishments in general is a quick way to knock your own self-growth back a few notches. Everyone has someone (if not several friends or relatives) in their life that just seem to have big black cloud hanging above them.
Every word out their mouths is negative; nothing is good, the world is going to end, they hate their lives, etc., etc., you know them folks, I'm sure. Don't you feel that after they've left you that you've been drained of energy? You have negative thoughts creeping in to your mind? You wonder if your own success will last (or ever come)? You start to think, how will I ever earn a decent living, I hate my life? Argh!
Don't be a black cloud in other peoples' lives. Instead, think about exuding a positive attitude |
At that point, it's time for you to cut your ties with these folks, or at least distance yourself or lessen your meetings with them.
Instead, chose to be around positive-minded people. People who bring out the best in you... with their positive energy and attitude. Because that's the best way to keep yourself on the right track... the track to success.
No one ever made it in business thinking they sucked at what they did, or that they hated everything and nothing was good.
So remain calm, keep confident. You've got this.By surrounding yourself with others who are exuding a positive attitude, you remain well grounded and motivated to succeed. Stay with that thought process and you'll definitely go farther.
In my travels through Facebook, LinkedIn and so forth, I've come across several people who's words have definitely influenced my outlook on life and business. It's meant a new thought process and a willingness to accept things I might not have liked in the past. I still may not like them, but I am willing to accept them, and just deal with it and move on.
One such person that I came across in fact, had a difficult childhood and teenage life. A life which involved horrendous treatment. She chose to not let those occurrences affect her in a negative way. She overcame these serious issues and has in fact gone to be a major, successful marketing authority. She now speaks words of motivation and all while exuding a positive attitude and demeanour. I look forward to her tweets and comments.
Part of exuding a positive attitude also involves how you play the cards you've been dealt with in life.
Everyone suffers from a bad experience now and then, but how you deal with them makes a difference. You can either lay down and play the martyr and feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life, or learn how to rise up from those ashes and make yourself a better person. I'd argue that doing the former takes way to much energy; too much to allow any extra strength to work towards being a successful, pleasant person.When you're exuding a positive attitude, it's easier to deliver your message - an encouraging, enthusiastic message of how to overcome even those daily difficulties, to become the best person you are capable of becoming.
Succeed in business while exuding a positive attitude |
When you're doing business, preparing your promotional message, or meeting someone for the first time, put your best smile, and attitude forward. You can inspire others more when you're exuding a positive attitude.
Find someone who inspires you to do more, to think positively and be well-meaning, and follow them too.
I hope you have found this article useful.
If you would like to read more tips about how to prepare your messages to prospects, or need to to talk about how you could use copywriting services for them, head on over to my website, at Shelly Moreau, Freelance Copywriting Services.
Or, feel free to comment herein. Thank you for your interest.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
The Importance of Reading - Wanting to Learn
If you shut yourself off to reading, you may as well shut yourself off to learning.
You heard me...if you can't be bothered to read every day - even for least 15 measly minutes - you have effectively shut yourself off to a world of learning opportunities.
It's even been said that leaders are readers and we should feed our minds every day with at least 15 minutes of information. It can transform us. Reading for 30-45 minutes is even better.
So if you read for instance, Steven Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, or perhaps Richard Branson's, "Like A Virgin: Secrets They Won't Teach You at Business School" you will find great inspiration, and certainly something from either of those two books may be a factor toward your personal or business' growth.
Of course, you don't necessarily have to read from these two authors. There are many more like them on the market today. And anything that's important to you and you can learn from in a positive manner is relevant and worth reading.
Closely related to the need to read, is the attitude toward saying yes - to opportunity, to taking chances, and learning. The point here is not to turn down an opportunity at first sight because it's not something familiar. Be open-minded. Consider and study the opportunity before shutting the door on it. And that definitely applies toward reading and learning too.
If you said no to everything, you'd never be willing to learn new things, which affects growth - of yourself and your business.
You'd be closing your mind to any new ideas, behaviours, thought patterns, language and vocabulary expansion.
Even reading good sales letters daily can improve your knowledge and contribute to your understanding of different types of personalities and how you might deal with them in your business.
As a copywriter, I make it a point to read every day. In fact the very basis of my business and indeed purpose of it is based on reading. I love to read material that is of a didactic or news related nature. If it’s something I can learn from, I’m all over it. If it’s a love story, or epic novel, I’m generally not that interested.
In fact, in the past year, I have absorbed so much marketing information -- along with the copywritng verbiage from my training -- that my writing style, language and behaviour have been affected: in a positive way I might ad. And that translates to my being able to communicate with potential clients or other copywriters on the same level and gain credibility in my business dealings.
Because of all this new found knowledge, I also find that I am more at ease offering advice, and tips to others in their writing or marketing needs, because what you speak tends to come from what you’re reading. And to think that I might be able to help someone else out, that makes me feel even better.
No matter what you are reading, the important thing is that it opens up a whole world knowledge and opportunity, and what you do with that knowledge is what matters.
So make it count.
If you like what you read here, please feel free to comment, and share. Thank you for your interest.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Is Your Unique Selling Proposition Working?
Sure you’ve got a great product, a great website and a great sales spiel (that’s not salesy). So what!Is your unique selling proposition working for your business?
Do you even have a unique selling proposition? What is it that sets you apart from all the other producers of widgets? Does it have a particular characteristic, shape, color, sound, quality, or benefit? What can your widget do that no one else’s can? Oh really!? Well then, are you letting your prospects know about it?
If you really want to enhance your unique selling proposition above all the others and grab your prospects by the…throat to get their attention (ha, ha, I bet you thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you?), you stand a much better chance if you’ve got something noteworthy – more singular than John Smith’s widget.
Your fabulous product has to have that special something, something…
And employing this element of copy is an essential component of promotion. When included in, let’s say a direct-mail grouping, it can certainly improve your conversion rates.
To have your prospects rushing to buy your product, make sure your promotional copy incorporates the following as part of its unique selling proposition:
√ A benefit to the prospect that is directly related to the use of your product. How will this product improve your prospects’ life or situation?
√ The benefit has to be significant. You’ve got to convince your prospect that he cannot do without your product.
√ That benefit has to be one that is unique to you. The prospect will not find this anywhere else.
Your Unique Selling Proposition Should Have You Standing Out From The Rest of The Crowd |
Before you list your benefits, remember to back your claims with testimonials, statistics or charts or other proof. Do all the research you can to find the appropriate data to support your copy.
In fact, the more research/facts you are able to find, the more you material you will have for your copy, making the writing process much smoother and with fewer stoppages
With your unique selling proposition now established, you’ve also got something you can possibly parley into future and ongoing marketing plans and other promotional pieces. After all, it’s what you want to be known for and what sets you apart from your competition.
Your distinct product’s qualities or benefits should be enough to compel prospects to feel the need to buy from you.
They won’t want to go looking for a similar product anywhere else because yours is exactly what they need. And, as always, keep your copy voice and tone authentic, friendly and not salesy. People do want to buy, but they don’t want to be sold to.
To know more about how you can enhance your sales copy or talk about how I can help you to get your prospects to take action, contact me.
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