Tuesday 5 November 2013

Copy Mistakes That Leave Readers Running in Circles

Do You Like Herding Cats?

Expecting success from a sales letter written without knowing the prospect well, or what emotion of theirs your product might tap into, is like trying to herd cats. 
Firstly, readers won’t connect with your copy, secondly they’ll be left running aimlessly, in circles.  

And if you haven’t done your homework to learn who your prospect is, what moves them, or to know what attracts them to your product, ask yourself “what core benefit does my product provide?”  You'll need these details before writing down one word of copy.

Drilling Down

You may have a number of features and associated benefits that you can identify.  Out of those, pick one and ask yourself, “what makes this benefit so outstanding”?. If your answer comes bask as only a minor benefit or one of seemingly little interest, drill down and ask again, then narrow down your responses to arrive at your core benefit -- i.e. the one that makes your product irresistible to your prospects.

There are number of emotions that come into play when preparing a sales letter.  The key is knowing your prospect. As yourself, what keeps them up at night worrying; how can you make their lives better; how will their problems be solved by your product; how can they look younger, more attractive, be more successful by using your product; and many other concerns that folks share.

The idea is to stir a desire/emotion within the reader that will lead them to want to purchase your product.  At the very least, if you can peak their curiosity, it will keep them moving through your sales letter to find the answer to your promise.

Curiosity Killed the Cat

And curiosity is one of the strongest motivators you could employ here.  For example, wouldn’t you want to know how a product can help you -- with your weight problem, or how it can make you look younger, or perhaps improve your sales results?

You’d keep reading till you found the answer to what was promised in the letter.  And in that letter, you would include lots of vital facts and statistics about how your product satisfies that curiosity and fulfils the needs of the prospect.  

But Are You Vain?

Another major emotion that is hit on in sales letters frequently is vanity.  Anyone working in industries related to fitness, skin/youth-rejuvenation products, or products that improve physical appearance (among others) knows exactly how to stir interest in their products.

For example, a weight-loss product sales letter may reach a core emotion this way….

..“Now, you too can look better, feel better, lose inches, improve your appearance in as little as 8 weeks.  No more diets, no more starving yourself -- it’s safe and easy to use.
This newly developed and scientifically-proven product has delivered remarkable results in all types of folks, with all types of weight-loss issues.  
You’ll see testimonials from satisfied clients a little farther on, but right now, imagine the envy of your family and friends when you reveal the new you. You're wearing that outfit you’ve been talking about buying for so long… but you just didn’t dare, because of your image concerns.  Now you can show them all, ta-da!”

and you’re hooked!

How could you not want to continue reading a letter like that if you were looking for a solution to weight loss?  Who wouldn’t want to discover how to become a better, more attractive you? How could you resist having an extra spring in your step, a gleam in your eyes, and a slimmer looking body?

I’m No Different

I know… I’ve done it myself… continued reading so I could find out more information about a product, its benefits and features, accept the proof, have my objections removed, and then purchase products based on the initial emotion that’s been stirred.  

It works and is very powerful.

Work on Those Emotions

Isolating and working on those core emotions in your sales letter will vastly improve upon the interest of and bond with your prospect. There's no need to run in circles, know your prospect, and know your core benefit.  Then create some sales-letter magic.

If you like this article and have any comments or additional suggestions, I’d love to hear from you.  Just leave your comments in the box below.  And if you know someone who might be interested to learn about how to write effective copy, feel free to share.  Thanks for your interest.